Water Treatment

Frog @ease SmartChlor

The unique SmartChlor Technology slowly releases over 3-4 weeks. When the system flips over it is time to replace. 3 replacements per package. For use in any hot tub up to 600 gallons.

  • Up to 75% less chlorine usage

  • Only shock once a month

  • SmartChlor self regulates for continusous clear water.

Wonder Flower Scum Sponge

These fanciful floaters are made of special foam that absorbs forty(40) times their weight in oils and lotions. Float in spa skimmer to keep water line sparlking clean and prolong filter life.

Dirty Duck Scum Sponge

Prevents scum line formation, reduces filter clogging and removes surface contaminants as it floats in the spa. Absorbs 40 times its weight in oils, lotions and cosmetics.

Water Treatment Kit

  • Chlorinating Granules

  • PH Up

  • PH Down

  • Metal Gone

  • Filter Frog

  • Measuring Cup

  • Test Strips

Frog Serene Floating System

Frog Serene Floating System uses pre-filled mineral cartridges and bromine cartriges that snap into a reusable floating holder and works in any spa. The Frog Serene floating system transforms spas into the perfect environment for soothing relazation with up to 50% less bromine needed than standard bromine spas. Cartridges are easily adjusted to meet the sanitzing needs of virtually any size spa. Replace the mineral cartridge every 4 months when you drain and refill your spa. The bromine cartridge will last 2-4 weeks depending on use.