Simple Spa Care
Metal Gon
Sequesters iron, copper and other minerals and prevents staining of spa surfaces. It is highly concentrated and only needs to be added upon start-up
Useful tips:
Lasts from refill to refill
Dont forget to use defender to prevent scale information
Compatible with Chlorine and bromine sanitizers
pH Balance
The unigue formulation locks in pH levels between 7.2 and 7.8 , elmination pH drift and continuous water adjustment. Lasts from refill to refill. Should be used in soft water areas only. For hard water areas, use pH balance plus.
Useful tips:
Use this products each time you refill your spa with water
Compatible with chlorine, bromine, ozone and mineral purification systems
Foam Down
Concentrated foam suppressant begins working immediately to eliminate foam. Apply directly to foam and watch it disappear.
Useful Tips:
Continual foaming problems can indicate other imbalances in the spa such as low calcium or possibly the need to drain the water. If foaming persists, contact your local Leisure Time dealer for advice.
Compatible with chlorine, bromine, ozone and biguamide santizier.
Bright & Clear
Specially designed fo hot water application. Spa water becomes cloudy because millions of small, suspended particles accumatlate in water. The particles are too small to be filtered out. By using Bright & Clear, the small particles combine to form larger particles that can be trapped by the filter to improve water clarity.
Useful Tips
Clears cloudy spa water fast
Compatible with chlorine. bromine, ozone and biguanide sanitizers
A unique blend of organic polymers designed to prevent scale formation, aid in the removal of existing scale and to help prevent precipitation of dissolved soilds in spas or hot tubs.
Use Tips:
Compatible with chlorine, bromine, ozone and biguanide sanitizers
A blend of enzymes that breaks down the oil, lotion and organics that cause unsightly scum lines and odors in spa water. Helps reduce the need for maintenance of filters and spa surfaces. Works with all types of sanitizer.
Useful Tips:
Use weekly as part of the Leisure time simple spa care program.
Compatible with chlorine, bromine, ozone and biguanide santiziers
Calcium Booster
Raises the level of water hardness, which helps prevent foraming and corrosion of equipment to extend the life of the spa
Useful Tips:
Maintain a hardness level of 150-40ppm
Compatible with chlorine, bromine,ozone and biguanide sanitizers